Organisation Of First Aid In Your Company

Health Safety Courses - Yore Learning | As an employer, you are responsible for the organisation of first aid. If an accident happens in the workplace or if a worker feels very ill, a sufficient number of individuals must be able to intervene quickly. The three objectives imposed on a company are as follows: Ensure first aid to workers and other persons present in the workplace who are victims of an accident or discomfort. To inform, as...

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Accidents at Work: Psychological Causes and Solutions – Health & Safety Training Courses

Health & Safety Training Courses | Despite the campaigns on workplace safety and awareness, workplace accidents continue to occur on a daily basis. But if your employees know the risks and safety requirements, what more can you do as an employer to prevent such incidents? Although most workplace incidents are relatively innocuous, serious workplace accidents still occur (too often). These are most often fractures - for example, following a fall - that are unacceptable in any circumstance. Apart from physical preventive...

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