Organisation Of First Aid In Your Company

Health Safety Courses – Yore Learning | As an employer, you are responsible for the organisation of first aid. If an accident happens in the workplace or if a worker feels very ill, a sufficient number of individuals must be able to intervene quickly. The three objectives imposed on a company are as follows:

      1. Ensure first aid to workers and other persons present in the workplace who are victims of an accident or discomfort.
      2. To inform, as soon as possible, the emergency services/doctors so that the victims can receive the appropriate medical aid.
      3. Regulate the transport of victims, to the treatment room, their home or the hospital/doctor.

In this article, we shall be outlining five criterion that ensure that your organisation is prepared for such situations.

Young manual worker using grinder on metal in factory - Health Safety Courses

Determine the measures necessary for your business

The first aid measures and knowledge your company requires depend on the nature of your business. Therefore, a risk analysis clearly identifies what assistance you need to ensure occupational health and safety for your employees, contractors or subcontractors, and other stakeholders are. You must have a plan in place for:

  • Rapid and specialised first aid assistance.
  • Transportation to the first aid room, doctor or the nearest hospital.
  • Contact with specialised help, if necessary.

If workers are operating in high-risk environments, such as managing heavy equipment and machinery, it is critical to have a high number of first aiders.  Furthermore, additional precautions should be taken to ensure their safety. This can include:

  • Appointing a reliable member of staff to be a Health Safety Courses Champion. This individual will regularly communicate with employees to ensure that they’re aware of the health and safety policies.
  • Providing ongoing training in working practices so that all personnel understand how to use equipment safely, reducing the potential risk of injury.

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Establish an internal emergency plan

Every member of staff has the right to expect that their workplace is safe and secure. This can only be assured with a suitable Health Safety Courses policy, which aims to facilitate a safe environment and correct working practices. One crucial element that must be well understood by all employees is the Emergency Response Plan, which is designed to:

  • Ensure employees are correctly trained to react to emergency situations.
  • Have procedures in place to reduce additional injuries and damage to property/facilities occurring after the initial incident.


Arrange the presence of a first-aid worker to be on-site

It is imperative that companies ensure a safe working environment by assigning “First Aiders” – professionally trained individuals capable of providing urgent, life-saving, medical care before the arrival of additional medical assistance.

If someone were to suffer an unexpected cardiac arrest on a wind farm location, their only possibility of survival would be successful Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation of the heart. The victim’s chance of survival increases significantly by delivering life-saving treatment before the emergency services arrive on the scene. If treatment is conducted within three-five minutes of failure, the victim’s possibility of survival increases from 6%-74%.

If this were to take place, a fully trained First Aid team would know how to behave and treat the patients confidently / effectively. They will be the distinction between life and death by delivering this treatment.

Workplace accident. First aid after occupational injury. Hand injury - Health Safety Courses

Provide rescue workers trained in the workplace

A fully trained First Aid team would know how to behave and treat the patients confidently / effectively. They will be the distinction between life and death in critical medical emergencies. The simple solution that companies can take to ensure their facilities are fully prepared for medical emergencies is to train their employees at an accredited First Aid Course.

If you or your employees are unable to attend a course in person, there are alternatives designed to meet your requirements. E-Leaning  Health Safety Courses have opened up First Aid training to an entirely new generation of students and develop the next generation of lifesavers. There’s nothing stopping you!


Maintain a first aid register and first aid box

In accordance with health and safety law, you must keep a first aid register in which the incidents and the follow-up to which they were subjected are taken up. This register will serve as basic information for your prevention programs. As a result, the information in the registry will also be useful for insurance matters if a benign prima facie case appears to be more serious and must be registered, and for your annual report.

What should you note in the registry?

  • The identity of the rescuer, the patient’s and that of any witnesses;
  • The date, place and circumstances of the accident or health problem, together with a description;
  • The nature and timing of the intervention;
  • The cause and nature of the accident, the care and eventually the consequences.


What should a first-aid box in the workplace contain?

The decision on what to provide will be influenced by the findings of the first-aid needs assessment. Hence, as a guide, where work activities involve low hazards, a minimum stock of first-aid items might be:

  • A leaflet giving general guidance on first aid (for example, HSE’s leaflet Basic advice on first aid at work).
  • Individually wrapped sterile plasters (assorted sizes), appropriate to the type of work (hypoallergenic plasters can be provided if necessary).
  • Sterile eye pads.
  • Individually wrapped triangular bandages, preferably sterile.
  • Safety pins.
  • Large sterile individually wrapped unmedicated wound dressings.
  • Medium-sized sterile individually wrapped unmedicated wound dressings.
  • Disposable gloves.

Portrait of confident male worker in protective clothing holding ear protectors at factory - Health Safety Courses

Health Safety Courses – Yore Learning | In conclusion.

Despite all the precautions a company can make in regards to health and safety, the fact is serious medical emergencies can happen at any time. Consequently, that is why it’s essential for companies to factor in emergency preparedness protocols; to reduce additional injuries to staff and protect facilities after the initial incident.


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